Sahtu Geomatics

Survey training on a total station at Norman Wells

Who We Are

Sahtu Geomatics Ltd. (Sahtu) is an Aboriginal-owned company, jointly owned by the Mackay Range Development Corporation (51%) and Challenger Geomatics Ltd. (49%).  Sahtu has been incorporated since September 2012 under the laws of the Northwest Territories and services the Sahtu Settlement Area, including Norman Wells and Tulita.

Sahtu received a Permit to Practice Land Surveying from the Association of Canada Lands Surveyors (ACLS) in May of 2013.

Our Services

Our Services

Sahtu delivers cost-effective, professional geomatics support services to the Tulita District of the Sahtu Settlement Area (SSA). We regularly partner with other Sahtu businesses, and endeavour to maximize economic participation of Sahtu Dene People by utilizing Sahtu Dene owned accommodations, renting local transportation (boats, snowmobiles, ATVs, trucks, and helicopters) and hiring Sahtu Dene Citizens whenever possible.

Sahtu’s capabilities benefit from our partner company Challenger’s experienced professional and technical staff, who operate under a robust Safety Program (COR Certified, registered and in good standing with ISNetworld, ComplyWorks, and Avetta, participants in WCB’s “Partners in Injury Reduction” (PIR) program) and a rigorous ISO 9001 Quality Management System. Our strength and value is rooted in the Sahtu Dene People and businesses that are part of our team to provide valued local services and a crucial knowledge of the land.

Norman Wells Esso

Notable Clients and Projects

Sahtu’s projects have included survey and geomatics support for numerous oil and gas exploration and reclamation programs in the Mackenzie Valley, and a wide variety of infrastructure construction projects.

  • Advisian – Topographic surveys and buried line locates various locations
  • AECOM – Wharf Rehabilitation – Norman Wells
  • ConocoPhillips Canada – Drilling program survey support – Tulita
  • Enbridge – Mapping, bathymetry, topographic and depth-of-cover surveys – Line 21
  • Government of the Northwest Territories – Various projects including topographic surveys for the Great Bear River Bridge
  • HRN Contracting Ltd. – Road construction support – Norman Wells
  • Husky Energy – Mapping, drilling program survey support and infrastructure construction – Tulita
  • Lidar Services International – GPS survey for LiDAR data collection – Mackenzie Highway
  • MGM Energy – Drilling program survey support – Tulita
  • Tulita Land & Financial Corporation – Legal surveys – Tulita

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