Project Summary
The New Afton copper-gold-silver mine is located approximately 10km from Kamloops in the central interior of BC. Challenger provided survey services in support of a spike in development activities to take the project to production. In addition to supplementing the daily production surveys, a senior surveyor has worked on a variety of more advanced and unique ‘special’ projects.
Services Delivered
- Develop terms of reference for ‘Lead Surveyor’ position and establish draft of procedures and quality assurance documents.
- Precision 3D Laser Scanning of four conveyor drifts and transfer stations (4.5km), including associated drafting.
- Photo control, aerial photography acquisition, aerial triangulation, DTM & orthophoto for the surface of the mine property.
- Enhancements to subsidence / deformation monitoring program.
- Primary control surveys, adjustments, analysis and reporting for underground activities.
- Production surveys for underground development.