After an extensive search, Challenger has found our new Vice President of Edmonton Operations. Michael Lee was previously a Branch Manager for Maltais Geomatics and then Altus Geomatics, and has been an Alberta Land Surveyor (ALS) for a little over 10 years.
During his time in the field and then as a Project Manager, Michael accumulated extensive experience in the energy sector, managing survey projects for pipelines, well sites, and more. He also performed construction and legal surveys, but his focus soon shifted to utilities where he spent the bulk of his time managing power line projects across Alberta.
I never wanted to say no to any projects. If it was something new to me, I would ask tons of questions, do a ton of reading, and figure it out – I had to,” says Michael. “I was very lucky in that my mentors really supported me and empowered me to learn by working on projects.”
After becoming Branch Manager, Michael built on this culture with his team. He built up a laser scanning division from scratch, bringing in the right team and technology for it to be successful. This included establishing workflows and systems as well as training new team members.
Michael has always been interested in creating a culture of innovation and creative solutions. “Clients are always challenging the industry to become faster and cheaper. It is up to us whether we want to lead or follow in this race – we do not want to be the ones chasing innovation. There’s a solution to every problem, most times we just have to look deeper and be creative.”
Corporate culture is also key for Michael, and he brings both the operational and organizational experience to engage with employees and help to navigate this transition successfully. “I want people to feel supported and create camaraderie, so people enjoy working with their team and colleagues. There are clear expectations but also a lot of freedom and trust that they will excel.”
Michael is active in volunteering, working both with the Alberta Land Surveyors Association (ALSA) and Alberta Professional Engineers and Geoscientists Association (APEGA). He is passionate about sports (watching and playing) and fitness.
Reach out to Michael and his Edmonton Geomatics team. We are ready to discuss your survey needs and the details of your project.